Radical Chip

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Radical Chip - Mute Synth 4.0
The Radical Chip is a collection of wavetable synth sounds by Dirty Electronics and Max Wainwright for the Mute Synth 4.0. There are 5 pseudo-wavetables and 9 algorithms making 45 combinations that are randomly selected. (Now: 8*8=64) The sounds range from gritty digital sounds and extreme noise to pure tones. The sounds may also be thought of as programs that have complex behaviours that can be interacted with through the Mute Synth 4.0’s controls. The Radical Chip can be simply swapped with the default chip of the Synth.
The Radical Chip comes with a limited edition A2 risograph printed poster/booklet on Microcomputer Music: a music made from mini microprocessors and raw electronics that is always in-flux, noisy and may be overwritten.

Update: as July 2023, the number of programs in the Radical Chip is now 64. This update was made for the Radical22 eurorack module, but is now also included for the original Radical Chip.

The only difference is that this (the updated but original) Radical Chip still uses a button press to randomly select algoritm, while the Radical22 chip uses CV control. This chip is compatible with the Mute 4.0, PCBSNR, Radical Nails, and other DIY devices based on the original Radical Chip. The only change is the number of programs.

I (and Dirty Electronics) offer a chip replacement for the Radical22. Due to the much larger number of Radical Chips in the wild (in Mute 4.0 Synths, the (lack of a) system will involve too much work and cost to replicate with the original Radical Chips.

Thus: if you want a new Radical Chip for your device, order one in my shop, and return the old chip (using the same foam the new chip comes in) and I'll refund half of the price (50%). If you do this, make sure to include your order number in your return, either on a piece of paper or on the envelope.

The microcomputer music poster is now sold out in my shop. You can order it at the Dirty Electronics Shop.
If you just want the chip, it's still available in my shop, here.

Wavetable synthesis 
8 'cores'
8 'algorithms'
64 combinations/programs (sounds)
Random program selection
Touch, sequencer and pot control
Bit crushing
Down sampling
Non-linear response
Mute Synth 4.0 compatible
Limited edition A2 risograph printed poster/booklet
May be used independently (requires additional components, instructions here)

More details
The wavetables include sine, saw and text - “Microcomputer music is always in-flux, noisy and may be overwritten.”, taken from the poster - used to generate a wavetable (text to ASCII conversion with Markov chain), and algorithms with the names: starling, brownouts, speed-dial, strange memory effect, touch me, etc. In response to the text, programs cannot be chosen but randomly selected: a golden lottery!

Mute Synth 4.0 sold at Mute Bank.

Here is a disclaimer on the Radical Chip.

noise.technology is the work of Max Wainwright.
Contact me by sending an email to info @ thisdomain, i.e. noise.technology.
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